It was a great surprise for us, when we heard that LA POUR LA was interested in having A Z A B A L A hanging on their rails!! Cause we like Stuttgart ; ) and L O V E the shop atmosphere! You can go and shop, brands like Wood Wood, MinkPink, Libertine-libertineor enjoy a night out listening to Monsieur Mo Rio playing live at the shop!And you could also treat yourself with a sushi feast from I LOVE SUSHI!So is there any better plan for a friday evening?Spaß haben!!
T H A N K S T O M A R I A F O R P I C T U R E S ; )
After keep on running&running our little reindeers have arrived to Muxugorri! a tiny cute shop in the heart of Donosti. Where you can find a great selection of hand made cuties together with hand picked pieces from labels like La Casita de Wendy, Diarte, and Malahierba,
De orixe Donostiarra aínda que afincada en Londres na actualidade, chegaron por fin a Ela Dizas súas propostas para esta tempada de Outono- Inverno 2011. Cun estilo urbano á vez que fresco caracterizase polos seus cortes.
Irene, Rapaza Ela Diz _ Na seguinte imaxe Irene con shorts denim de A Z A B A L A e blusa verde con volantes nas mangas de Ambrosía Pitigüil.
A Z A B A L A has started its international journey in W A L D R A U D.
Opened a couple of weeks ago, in a former industrial area in Zurich, the store offers an interesting and highly loveable selection of furnishing and fashion, surrounded by an amazing and well crafted space. We are already writing our wish-list...Claire-anne O'brienKnit stools, NachachtCoat ranks, Kraud
for lights and Susan Bijlfor nylon shopping bags, Stine Goyapullovers, Waiting for the sun sun glasses...and many more things...Have a look on their fresh web and make your own list!! Here some pics of the shop.
We haven't been posting for a while, but a lot of things are happening around! of them its our new Kids Wear Line for Winter...hope you like it as much as we enjoy doing it!
Sometime ago, we were in a complicate brainstorming day....these days we are in a long and hard brainstorming period. We started as a small fashion label, with the aim to keep it for us, made by us and all for us!...but to keep going, we need to step ahead, make a little jump and start re-organizing again. Looking for suppliers, machinists and distributors. Our winter collection's production is under the machine, and the next summer one is in the middle of papers and sketchbooks, but our minds are in how to offer all this to more and more people and still be a cosy little independent label ; )
Thank you very mucheverybody for comingtothe AW12 presentation!...We were so focusedon organizingthe collection, videoand beers...thatwe forgot totake picturestoshow them to those who could notcome ...wereplenty ofbeers left and a desireto make we are organising a new one this time in London!See you there..and we promise not to forget our camera an idea of people that were at the presentation in Donosti.
Siempre nos gusta defender las cosas de la tierra, y más si están hechas con cariño y dedicación. Hoy nos centramos en tres diseñadores de la zona, jóvenes todos ellos y haciendo lo que más les gusta: crear. El primero de ellos es Ekaitz Arruti, irundarra afincado en Madrid, desde pequeño se movió entre telas y patrones en el taller de costura de sus tías, que es donde tras acabar sus estudios cogió mano a la costura, para más tarde irse un tiempo a París. Hace unos años debutó en Madrid en la pasarela El Ego y actualmente trabaja en el equipo de Carmen March. Confecciona moda para hombre y mujer, aunque también ha realizado colaboraciones y accesorios como unas tablas de skate. El siguiente es Thibaud Etcheberry, nacido en St. Jean de Luz. Tras pasarse 11 años en un taller de costura, decide irse a estudiar a París. Este año, a los 22, presentó su colección Otoño-Invierno 2011 allí, tomando como inspiración el viaje de un hombre a Armenia. Los colores predominantes fueron los ocres, grises y marinos, aplicándolos sobre materiales como la lana de doble vuelta, el cuero serigrafiado, el algodón… Y por último hablamos de la firma Azabala, de orígenes donostiarras actualmente operando desde Londres. Marca multidisciplinar, con trabajos que van desde el collage hasta la confección.
Muy recomendable el blog donde cuelgan parte de sus referencias e imágenes sobre su colección. Compártelo!
The winter collection will be closer than ever from you if you are around Donosti!
Come and enjoy with us next Thursday evening. Will be offering some beers and you could try the pieces you were waiting for. Just come around 8pm, to Serrano Anguita 1, in Antiguo, and dont forget your friends.
We believe in technology and in the importance of the social net working, but as the same time we are trying to build a close relationship with our customers, trying to grow as a brand together with them. Thats why we just design our new business cards for those who wear our clothes, to join us in mouth to ear process all together! spread the A Z A B A L A word!